Transpo-Environmental Consulting, Inc, DBA TRE Consulting, Inc (TRE) was founded in 1997 as an infrastructure development, project management, CM/PM, master planning, environmental management, risk assessment, resiliency, health, safety, sustainability, energy modernization, and training firm. TRE is a majority woman owned corporation that specializes in providing cost effective and practical solutions to the transportation sector: seaports, airports, rail/intermodal, water/waste water, enery sector, and regional transit, as well as the government, commercial and industrial sectors. TRE is a majority owman owned and controled firm, which is a California Micro-SBE, Very Small Business Enterprise (VSBE), registered with the City of Los Angeles: Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and Port of Long Beach (POLB). TRE ialso has a pending application for a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) with Metro/CalTrans. TRE currently provides services in the greater Los Angeles area/southern CA, San Francisco Bay Area, Florida, Texas, nationally and globally.